Alexzandria is expecting her first child, a baby girl, in 2023. She previously tried to conceive for over three years and was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome last year. She was told she was infertile and would not conceive without treatment.
She was in and out of foster care throughout her childhood due to her mother's history of drug and alcohol addiction. She is determined to do the best she can for her daughter.
Alexzandria's partner will join the Army after their daughter's birth. She is saddened by a lack of support from her extended family, but she is extremely excited about the birth of her daughter. She has recently struggled off and on with transient living and has had to deal with stress during her pregnancy.
Some of Alexzandria's long-term goals are giving the best possible care to her baby when she arrives, working towards learning financial statistics, and getting her own place for herself and her daughter, so they have a home to call their own. Alexzandria is grateful for all she has been through, as it has made her stronger. She is determined never to fail her daughter and refuses to be anything other than what her child needs.
How has CGLH made an impact on you and your family?
"CGLH has made an impact on my family and me by sharing resources that were needed and requested in my most stressful times or times I really couldn't afford items. They have provided information and guidance in specific areas such as prenatal care, pregnancy support, alternative programs for pregnancy-related care, etc. They have been amazing and have guided me toward the right direction at this time in my life."
What is one thing you would like our community supporters to know about the LifeHouse?
"The Life House has been there for me when I was at my lowest and has worked diligently to get me into their program when I was facing nothing but the worst, and stress was all around."
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